25 Leadership Qualities of a Great Quarterback

  1. Gives his BEST in the Classroom to make Excellent Grades
  2. Positive Attitude
  3. Believes in himself
  4. Confidence in his ability
  5. Committed
  6. Great Character
  7. Burning Desire to Succeed
  8. Determined
  9. Dependable
  10. ALWAYS Great Effort
  11. Responsible
  12. Tough Minded
  13. Prepared
  14. NEVER Gives Up
  15. Fierce Competitor
  16. Coachable
  17. Does what it takes to succeed
  18. Leads by example
  19. Leader on and off the field
  20. Does what is Right
  21. Willing to Learn
  22. ALWAYS trying to Improve
  23. ALWAYS Challenges himself
  24. Expects the BEST from himself and his teammates  (Leads by example)
  25. TEAM player

When you think you have given everything you’ve got, give a little more.  Go the extra mile to reap the rewards.  Nothing great has ever been accomplished with a mediocre attitude or mediocre effort!  If you want to win, you must pay the price.  There is no shortcut to success.  A great attitude, great effort, a burning desire to succeed, preparation, and perseverance will determine whether you are “interested” or “committed” to becoming your best.  There is a HUGE difference in the two.  Make sure YOU understand the difference.  Make it happen!!